Sunday, March 28, 2010

the pacific strikes again

We talked business development and content, distribution chains and overseas vendors, five year plans and dreams of urban gardens, fish farming, sustainability, and a dash of BDSM.

Dinner and a beer went without awkwardness, then a venue change.
Belgians flowed side-by side with big, hoppy, California pine forests. Suddenly there we were, feeling alone in a room full of people, quietly sharing starry eyed gazes. Subtle touches to the knees, elbows and hands turned into hot makeouts against an unsuspecting fence, a sweet walk home and yet another attempt to watch a war flick I downloaded.

Two sessions in a row of first-date-sex with heavy artillery as the soundtrack. sigh.

I have a hunch the problem must be an obvious fact, my living room is also my bedroom. It's tough not to end up naked when your couch is your bed. I should start going home with potentials instead. I'm great at leaving unannounced; it's a talent I should revisit.

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