Tuesday, April 20, 2010

just walk away, now

A collaborative piece on "the signs."

We feel that there are some major warning signs on the road to love that must be taken into consideration before proceeding. Some seem completely obvious, yet we ignore them repeatedly and then there's the kind that go unnoticed until it's too late.

Everyone wants someone to snuggle. We long for that person who "gets it" to stroll into our lives. For some of us this search continues but after dating for a while we start to noticed trends, warning signs and small but glaring details that 'this probably isn't going to work out'.

High signs, red flags, flashing lights, call them what you will.
Between the two of us, we have quite a list (no particular order).

· Apparent/obvious baggage, often with conscious verbal cues
· Sex gets worse, not better
· Doesn't call when he says he will
· Doesn't answer phone calls
· Replies to texts or emails hours or days later
· Is all too willing to have unprotected sex
· Has never been in a long relationship (long = minimum 1 year)
· Last relationship was a ridiculously long time ago (ie. 8 years ago)
· Only contacts you after 11pm, on weekdays
· Only contacts you while intoxicated
· Is often intoxicated after 11pm on weekdays
· Makes plans with you in advance and then blows them off
· Maintains dreams of recording an album
· Refers to himself as a musician
· If he has a library of records, you know what he spends his money on
· Owns more shoes than you do
· Has strong opinions about his poorly decorated living room
· Most or all of his current downloads have names like 'cum guzzling sluts #76' or even worse they're named, 'mom and daughter gang bang'
He says things like:
· "why would you want to know how much money you spend?"
· "I don't need to save for retirement, I'm going to die before I'm 60"
· "I'm not a goal kind of guy, I like to live day to day"
· "You're going to buy that dress, don't you think it'll be a little tight?"
· Still, as an adult, he doesn't eat vegetables
· Doesn’t have hobbies
· Doesn’t have friends
· Doesn’t have a web-based email account
· Spends most of his paycheck on booze
· Rides his bike because he has a couple DUIs
· Only takes advice from his mother
· Bible banger
· Enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons more than 5 times a year
· Asks you to join his Vampire LARP group
· Salesmen aka. the smoooooove talker
· Bike messenger (sure, they've got the gruff, sexy thing going but they're nothing but trouble)
· He mentions his "girlfriend" and then proceeds to give you his number

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