Thursday, September 2, 2010

I couldn't even go 3 days

Got caught at the airport the other day with my dildo.

The TSA woman asks,"what's this?" while gesturing the curve shape of the toy with her hand.
me: a dildo ma'am

her: a what?

me: a DILdoooh ma'am

her: ???

me: a sex toy!

her: step this way ma'am

Man standing next to me makes an awkward look of disgust and shakes his head.

She proceeds to pull me aside and with gloved hands begins to dig through my bag. It was at the bottom and she took her time. When she got to it, she pulled it out and asked, "this???"

me: yes ma'am, that's it

her: (to the other ladies she works with) Have you ever seen anything like this?

Lady 1: What isssss that?

Lady 2: How would you use it?

me: FML

They put it though the xray machine a few times, taking turns pulling it back out and squealing. Mothers in line were covering their children's eyes, everyone staring at me. I tied my shoe.

The TSA agent comes back, holding it at shoulder height, away from her body with two fingers - I was allowed to put it back in my bag. If it wasn't stainless steel and able to be boiled, I think I would've thrown it out.

However, this won't stop me from bringing it again. I'd rather become a pro at embarrassment.

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