Saturday, June 26, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

Even after weeks of trying to make something truly special last, I find myself in the same vicious cycle. I don't ask for much. A call. A text. An email once in a blue moon. But in the end, I find that I put far more effort into things than the "truly special" party ever does.

Am I needy? Kinda.

I require attention. Although I've been claiming that it's my fatal flaw, I'm now thinking otherwise. If you like me, you would be calling me, texting me, and emailing me. Why waste someone's time, right?

I'm just saying, girls get hung up on the "he's not calling me", "he's not responding to my texts"......well guess what?'s probably because he could care less.

Move on sweetheart.

Someone who truly "gets" you is out there. Someone who wants to be with you every hour of the day, loves your silly moments, anxiously awaits your calls, and can't help to laugh at your terrible jokes is out there. Searching for that person is a lost cause. Your paths will cross when it's the right time.

...but until goes on.

(And Yes....that was entirely a pep-talk for myself...but I figured others could relate and needed to hear it.)